Unfounded statements like that can mislead the gullible and those unacquainted with the Scriptures.
1) All the many Scriptures which teach there is a place of torment in fire after death awaiting the impure in heart. Sometimes this place is referred to as hell, the fiery furnace, lake of fire, etc. (If all were going to heaven there would be no such place of fiery punishment for some. The truth is there are now people in this horrible place suffering—Judas Iscariot, the people who resided in Sodom when destroyed by fire, etc.)
2) All the many Scriptures which teach there are two types of people—the children of God and the children of the devil; the saved and the lost; the righteous and the wicked; the spiritually alive and the spiritually dead; etc. (If all were going to heaven there could only be one type of people—the redeemed, saved, child of God, etc.)
3) All the many Scriptures which teach there are conditions, on man's part, to initially receive and retain salvation after it is received. The conditions for the initial saving of the soul are repentance from sin and a submissive faith in Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation (Acts 20:21; 2 Pet. 3:9; etc.). The conditions for final salvation are endurance to the end and holiness (Mt. 10:22; Heb. 3:14; Rev. 2:10,11; 1 Cor. 15:2; 1 John 2:24-26; Mt. 5:8; Heb. 12:14; etc.). Those same conditions can be refused, resisted, ignored, neglected, etc. by man. See John 5:40; Acts 7:51; James 5:19,20; etc. (If all were going to heaven merely because Jesus died for everyone, then there would be no conditions for either initial or final salvation since Jesus' death would be that only factor to enter heaven.)
■ WARNING: Gary Amirault is not correctly handling the Scriptures and, therefore, is spreading a fine-sounding lie (and heresy) as God's truth to the eternal and spiritual detriment of all those who believe it.
To learn the truth, read through the entire New Testament for yourself. To benefit by that knowledge put it into practice. Jesus taught:
He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice.” (Luke 8:21)
■ NOTE: Dan Corner is available and willing to debate Gary Amirault (or any others) on Universalism. (Gary likes to debate this subject, but backed out of one such verbal debate with Dan Corner in November ‘08, even after they both already agreed to such, by placing restrictions on how many Scriptures could be cited as evidence! Gary Amirault also refused the invitation to have a text debate with Dan.)
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